Use "marital relations|marital relation" in a sentence

1. 7 They have marital relations.

2. Appropriateness - carnal knowledge - Consecutiveness - coterminousness - marital affinity - sexual relations - speech situation 16 letter words conterminousness - family connection - marital relations - mutual attraction 17 letter words

3. How did it come about that Hosea renewed marital relations with Gomer?

4. He believed in marital fidelity.

5. Counseling for marital issues,students behavioural issues ,parents Adjustmental issues , psychiatric problems ,pre-marital counseling etc

6. Shyness Negatively Affects Marital Quality

7. So much for marital privacy.

8. The marital relationship is equally problematic.

9. Name, address, age, marital status.

10. Except when marital duties call.

11. James was no model of deportment anywhere, least of all in his marital and other personal relations.

12. A frequent cause is marital infidelity.

13. Marital fidelity may prevent HIV infection

14. counseling on marital problems and disagreements.

15. 15 What is your marital status?

16. What factors can contribute to marital stress?

17. Marital Fidelity —What Does It Really Mean?

18. Cohabit (archaic) company (obsolete) Copulate; couple; engage in sex; exchange flesh (euphemistic) get physical; have intimate relations; have marital relations (euphemistic) have sex; have sexual relations; intercourse; make

19. • your name, address, or marital status changes;

20. 1 counseling on marital problems and disagreements.

21. There is an issue of marital infidelity.

22. 20 A frequent cause is marital infidelity.

23. 6 Her son had no marital problems.

24. 16 Even marital status was taken into consideration.

25. 4 They've been having marital problems, apparently.

26. 23 It will not show your marital status.

27. 21 There is an issue of marital infidelity.

28. A meaningful courtship leading to a satisfying marital adjustment.

29. Is he treating sexual morality and marital faithfulness lightly?

30. (Malachi 2:14-16) It also condemns marital infidelity.

31. 2 Could I ask you about your marital status?

32. 19 This was not a marital settlement agreement....

33. There is more to marital commitment, though, than obligation.

34. How can love of money undermine a marital relationship?

35. 22 She'd volunteered the information about Amy's marital relationships.

36. What is the strongest reason to maintain marital fidelity?

37. He said " no " to many short- term marital relationships.

38. Marital Confidences Privilege The marital Confidences privilege is a form of privileged communication protecting the contents of confidential communications between a married couple

39. ‘I can now straighten out my marital situation,’ I thought.

40. Undermining marital trust, intimacy, and love. —Proverbs 2:12-17.

41. 17 It is illegal to discriminate based on marital status.

42. The Abuser may be unfaithful in your marital relationship

43. • What is the strongest incentive for maintaining marital fidelity?

44. Marital fidelity is rare among nominal Christians in Africa.

45. 18 Also invoked against marital problems and physical abuse.

46. It is an essential element in every good marital relationship.

47. What was the relationship between new roofs and marital discord?

48. You must listen to their interminable tales of marital woe.

49. To explore this concept, consider the following marital Abandonment definition.

50. In some cases, what behavior has led to marital disloyalty?

51. 5 Suffice it to say that they're having marital problems.

52. The president has vehemently denied having an extra-marital affair.

53. Condonation is the forgiveness of a marital offense constituting a ground for divorce from bed and board on the condition that the marital miscon- duct cease

54. There are additional salary elements reflecting marital status and dependent children.

55. The above draft Act also addresses sexual harassment and marital rape.

56. 3 She also alluded to her rival's past marital troubles.

57. An Affair that was driven by retribution, marital dissatisfaction or a withholding spouse should focus on marital therapy geared to increase effective communication, empathy, compassion and love

58. Who can change your marital status, address, or direct deposit information?

59. Hiding in plain sight: Marital rape still not Criminalised in Egypt

60. 13 She felt as if her marital problems were beyond remedy.

61. For an immigrant boy this marital alliance was no mean achievement.

62. 14 Caroline was keen to make her marital home in London.

63. In some cases parents are immobilized by their own marital tensions.

64. In solving marital problems, what should be recognized by both mates?

65. 11 They cited Alex's refusal to return to the marital home.

66. 9 He was quite aware of her marital designs on him.

67. But the marital merry-go-round Chez Reeves is no exaggeration.

68. In time, though, Hosea must have resumed marital relations with her, thereby reflecting God’s willingness to accept his people back and resume his dealings with them.

69. The index was adjusted for marital status and children in the home.

70. “The Commingling of marital and nonmarital assets, and the contribution of marital assets to nonmarital property must be sufficiently significant to raise a presumption of a gift of the property to the marital estate.” In re Marriage of Olson, 451 NE 2d 825 – Ill: Supreme Court 1983

71. • can fill in uncomplicated forms with personal details, name, address, nationality, marital status;

72. How should a husband and wife view the rendering of the marital due?

73. 12 Unrealistic expectations may be at the root of a marital problem.

74. Why is looking outside of marriage not the answer to marital problems?

75. There had been rumours for a long time of Clinton's marital infidelity.

76. Condonation, condoning bad behavior, is as a defense to a spouse’s marital fault

77. Marital pathology is fully recognised by those who give support through marriage counselling.

78. People are prepared to be tolerant of extra-marital peccadilloes by public figures.

79. And the next thing you know, he had a full-blown marital spat.

80. Money, or the lack thereof , played a major role in their marital problems.